Tuesday, March 8, 2011

He Is Bigger Than...The Box

Growing up....
God (salvation) was neatly packaged for me.
And put into a box.
It had a pretty bow on it.
It looked pretty and pure and clean.

I desired to know God early on.
At age 5, I knelt by my Auntie's bedside and
asked Jesus into my heart.
I too recieved my own Gift.

So I tried to unwrap the Gift that was given to me.
But they said, "Don't untie the bow, it won't look pretty."
"If you hold the gift just so, the edges won't get torn."
"You want others to desire how pretty your gift is."
"Very few people have this gift that you are holding."
"You have to be careful with whom you share your gift with."
"If you let other's (outside) hold the gift it WILL be taken from you."
"Be so careful what you do, because you can loose your gift so easily."

I was very careful with my Gift.
I was a good little girl.
I dearly wanted to please my family and God.
So I did everything that they told me.
And my Gift was safe.

As I grew, I began to notice that there was fear that went with carrying this Gift.
And soon the Gift became heavy.
I desired to know the giver of this Gift more.
But wasn't allowed to peek or to question what was inside.
I saw that other's outside had a Gift also.
But their's looked different.

Some of the wrapping paper was torn from sharing their gifts.
The bows of some were untied.
And then I saw some who's boxes were open wide...
But their faces were not fearful!
They were joyful!
And more importantly they still had their Gifts!!!

I desired to know what was in those open boxes!
I wanted the joy of knowing the Gift giver.
I was soon to be on a lifelong journey of knowing
true joy, real love, as I opened my own box......

And let God OUT!

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